Aprenda Inglés...
Are you drinking my hair? = ¿me estás tomando el pelo?
Are you or do you make yourself = sos o te hacés.
As boring as licking a nail = aburrido como chupar un clavo.
Auto stop = Contrólese usted mismo.
Between no more and drink a chair = entre nomás y tome asiento.
Can can = El perro puede.
Catch yourself catherine = agarrate Catalina.
Copyright = Copie bien.
Do you want more yellow = quiere mas hielo.
Don't forget heads = no se olviden de cabezas.
Give me ball = dame bola.
Go to know = andá a saber.
He doesn't give foot with ball = no da pie con bola.
He is bigger balled than the pigeons = es más boludo que las palomas.
He is of the tomatoe = está del tomate.
I am make bag = estoy hecha bolsa.
I don't give more = no doy más.
I made myself the rat = me hice la rata.
If I have seen you I don´t remenber = si te he visto no me acuerdo.
In the hill of the ass = en la loma del or...
In the world´s ass = en el culo del mundo.
It costed me a lot = me rompieron el or...
It has my balls filled = me tiene las b... Llenas.
It imports me a horn = me importa un cuerno.
It is to flatulence: estar al pedo.
It matters me a whistle = me importa un pito.
It shited fire = cagó fuego.
It sucks me one egg = me chupa un huevo.
It went me like the ass = me fue para el orto.
It´s going to rain pieces of shit in vertical position = van a caer.
It´s not nessary = no es nesario.
It's to the rocket = es al cuete.
Let's go yet! = ¡vamos todavía!
Like who doesn't want the thing = como quien no quiere la cosa.
Little femile gauchos package = Paquete de Criollitas.
Little potato for the parrot = papita p'al loro.
Not to hunt one = no cazar una.
Of nothing = de nada
President of the street = presidente De la Rua.
Putting was the goose = poniendo estaba la gansa
Re-chicken = Repollo.
Send fruit = mandar fruta.
Shited in the legs = cagado en las patas.
Skull don't shout = calavera no chilla.
Tay fly = quedate mosca.
That's my chicken = ése es mi pollo.
The shell of your sister = la concha de tu hermana.
The what = lo que.
Throw me the rubber = tirame la goma.
Tina Turner = Bañera giratoria.
To another thing butterfly = a otra cosa mariposa.
To be in flatulence = estar en pedo.
To be a dead little fly = ser un mosquita muerta.
To be easy fungus = ser facilongo.
To be glassed = estar copado.
To be in balls: estar en bolas
To bury the sweet potatoe = enterrar la batata.
To cry to the church = a llorar a la Iglesia.
To do egg = hacer huevo.
To do what it sings yourself = hacer lo que se te canta.
To make the duck = hacer la pata.
To send Fruit = mandar fruta.
To spend a person = gastar a una persona.
To stay fathering flies = quedarse papando moscas.
To take oneself the vessel = tomarse el buque.
Urinated by the dog = piyado por los perros.
We are all alive = somos todos vivos.
What a hand rail = que baranda.
What a handrail ! = ¡que baranda!
What face is the onion = que cara está la cebolla.
What threw it = que lo tiró.
You are ticket = sos boleta.
Your sister is an iron = tu hermana es un fierro.
Je Je... Gracias Facu!!!
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